Our Vision

Our law firm was one the first to integrate the work of lawyers of different nationalities, when Ms. Ulrike Christine Walter, attorney at law, and Mr. Carlo Del Torre, attorney at law, began cooperating in 2002. Over the years, the law firm grew, becoming stronger both in numbers and from the point of view of the available specializations. We integrated within our firm law professionals who are able not only to provide all-round legal services, but also to understand the different mentalities and requirements characterising the Italian clients on the one hand, and the Austrian or German ones on the other. All of the above with the main aim of preventing any risk of judicial litigation.

Our team

Avv. Dr Carlo del Torre

He has always dealt with civil law, with a special interest focusing on real-estate law and inheritance law, including at the international level, with particular attention to German-speaking countries. He authored several contributions for conferences and specialized publications, and he held and currently holds senior positions in bodies and associations tasked with assisting real estate owners and associations of the so-called third sector, especially in the cultural sphere and the protection of minority languages.

Avv./Ra Dr Ulrike Christine Walter

She deals with civil law, in particular inheritance law especially at the international level, real estate law and in particular consultancy concerning contracts for the purchase of real estate, international private law, international family law, credit recovery, and compensation law (for damages arising from accidents).

Avv. Dr Fabio Ficarra

He provides his legal advice and assistance especially in the civil law field, with particular reference to the real estate, condominium and tenancy sectors, inheritance law, family law, compensation for damages, credit recovery and settlement procedures following over-indebtedness crises.

He is enrolled in the list of lawyers available for legal aid in civil matters and voluntary jurisdiction procedures, and in the list of professionals who can be appointed for real estate sales operations at the Law Court of Gorizia.

Avv. Dr Elisa Sottosanti

She is the law firm’s reference professional for the criminal law field, in particular as to criminal cases involving the laws regulating construction work and city zoning, the environment, landscape, taxes, safety in the workplace, administrative liability of entities deriving from a crime (introduced by the Legislative Decree No. 231/2001), as well as in family law, both under the civil law profile and in relation to crimes against the family.

She is enrolled in the list of lawyers available for legal aid in criminal, civil, labor and voluntary jurisdiction procedures.

Avv. Dr Marinella Soraia Drago

She deals with civil and criminal, judicial and extrajudicial law, with particular reference to the following areas of expertise: commercial law, company and contract law; compensation for damages, with regard to accidents and insurance matters, as well as professional and medical liability; family law; succession law, including at the international level; credit recovery; banking law; condominium and tenancy law; laws concerning support administrations and incapacitations; bankruptcy and insolvency law; drafting of national and international bilingual Italian/German and Italian/English contracts; criminal and corporate criminal law.

She also exercises the function of arbitrator, also dealing with the drafting of arbitration awards and resolutions, as well as that of professional appointee for real estate sales at the Law Court of Udine.

Avv. Dr Sabrina Polo LL.M.

She provides legal judicial and extrajudicial consultancy and assistance in the field of civil law, with particular reference to national and international contracts, arbitration, real estate law, family law, compensation for damages and credit recovery.

Avv. Dr Enrica Canciani

Si occupa di assistenza, consulenza e difesa di privati, professionisti e società sia in materia civile che in materia penale.
Oltre al diritto penale, si dedica altresì al diritto civile ed in particolare a questioni inerenti il diritto di famiglia, la responsabilità civile, la colpa medica, il risarcimento danni e le  procedure esecutive mobiliari e immobiliari finalizzate al recupero del credito. L’avvocato presta funzioni nell’incarico di amministratore di sostegno presso il Tribunale di Gorizia.
E’ iscritta nell’elenco degli avvocati abilitati a prestare patrocinio a spese dello Stato in materia civile e penale.

Avv. Mag. Antonio del Torre

He graduated in Law from the University of Innsbruck with a bilingual thesis on inheritance law and since 2022 he has been registered in the trainee register at the Gorizia Bar Association.

Ra/Mag. Paolo Caneppele

of counsel


Giulia Federici

Front office Udine

Elena Gallas

Gorizia secretariat

Rossella Garzitto

Administration and accounting

Dr Franziska Toscher

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